
Having studied and derived a lot of joy from bharathanatyam when I was younger, I was eager to find a teacher/environment that would focus on the joy of dancing over any other sentiment or rule for my daughter. I’m so grateful to say we have found exactly what we were looking for in Indhraji and her school. She is the perfect combination of being loving, fun, disciplined, and knowledgeable. My daughter had learned so much in just 2 months and loves coming to class. I feel really blessed to have found Indhraji and this school.

Anu Lala Trindade

Your extraordinary contribution from Chennai, India to USA bringing the classic dance of “Bharatnatyam” is highly commendable. Bravo!!

Suggestion: Thiruvalluvar our famous poet wrote 1330 couplets AKA Kurals is eternal. Whenever possible, before you start the classes as well programmes on stages you may say one Kural and explain the meaning in brief/short form. You may put his picture as background on the stage, invoking interest to know about him among the audiences.

Just like a prayer…”Agara mudhala ezuthellam…… “. Not more than a minute or two enough. Then proceed to your dance next agenda. Parents of the children coming to your class would be very proud to know their children learning something different from other schools. It doesn’t matter children’s religion/culture. Our tradition and culture also grows with the new generation!!

Hope you feel this suggestion appropriate and I suggested in the best interest to grow further.


Bobby Tim

A fantastic dance school to train your child in the art of classical dance. My daughter enjoys bing in Indhra aunty’s dance class, so don’t like to miss the class!! We had an amazing recital the year too!!!!

Bindu Thomas

As always the kids showcased a colorful performance under the guidance, support and leadership of Indhra M’am. The kids have consistently outdone themselves for each show and are confidently moving ahead towards mastering their skills.

Beno Joshua

My daughter enjoys her dance classes with Indhra aunty. Not only is it great cultural exposure, but they are also learning discipline and the importance of practicing the art. Indhra aunty is great with the young kids, and very loving towards them. We are looking forward to the annual show to see how far she has come.

Diana Thomas

I have been a ‘Bharatanatyam mom’ the last two years and I must say that although both the cultural programs my daughter was fortunate enough to participate in were really great, this last show deserves special mention. I absolutely adored the storytelling portion and thought it was such a fantastic concept. I feel lucky that my daughter has been blessed with the opportunity to learn from Indira teacher. I look forward to sending my younger daughter as well. It is really comforting to know that the teacher not only teaches dance, but also stresses the need for and incorporates Indian/Hindu mythology, discipline, yoga exercises and fun stories. From my experience, the girls are always super confident to express their every thought and never hesitate to go to class. Great work!

Rosemary Mathew

The program came together beautifully. Jathiswaram group especially gave a great performance. Special thanks to Indhraji for her patience and hard work.

Priya Sateesh

Ms Indra, You are a really great teacher. I want to keep learning Bharatnatyam from you until I can perform like you! Love you a lot.

Anika Jagtap-NJ

Thank you auntie! The program was beautiful! I loved that you called the girls your garden! You are an important part of their personal development and we are extremely grateful for that!

Umang Dosi Pal, NJ

We just wanted to let you know how much we all enjoyed the show! All the performers did such a fantastic job and it truly showed the creativity and expertise of their teacher.

Good job to you and to them!!

We also really liked the storytelling acts at the end of the show!

Bravo!! 🙂

Rowena Thomas

Great job Ms.Indra for helping us to grow our kids culture oriented.Great show…

Hima Rajesh

Nice performance and students were well practiced. The last performance with the story was very good!

Ullas Paul

Great show – beautiful choreography!


It amazed me when I watched the students of Ms. Indra perform at the annual Bharatnatyam showcase 2018. It’s not just their mastery of dancing but the shear joy they seem to feel about being up on stage performing for family and friends. There is such a wonderful balance of disipline, fun and an extraordinary self confidence in each and every dancer. Thank you Ms. Indra.

Viju Yuvarajan

Dear Indira Aunty,

Thank you for being the best dance teacher! You are fun and. I like it when you teach us to dance. And we will become just like you.

Student – 6 years old

It was a great motivation and I really needed it..enjoyed it. Thank you.

Adults Class